Another museum cuts ties to fossil fuels

April 25, 2016

We are thrilled to learn that The Leonardo museum in Salt Lake City, Utah has committed to divest from fossil fuels and plans to implement a new gifts policy that explicitly refuses fossil fuel funding. True to its namesake Leonardo Da Vinci, the museum is committed to its mission to contribute to the betterment of society. In the context of the climate crisis, that means taking a stand for a clean energy future.

The museum posted the below statement on its website:

A Brief Statement on the use of Fossil Fuels

One of the great things about having Leonardo da Vinci as our namesake is that we try to think as he thought. He was insatiably curious, always looking for the best way to improve just about anything–all with the intent to understand and live better in the world. To that end, as we come across new and credible information, we feel it is our responsibility to act in accordance with new findings that are corroborated and contribute to the betterment of society.

As such, we have read the open letter to museums signed by 150 scientists and Nobel Laureates and recently we have been approached by community leaders and activists to consider divestment from fossil fuels. We believe it is an important question and that we must all be concerned with the mission of sustainability.  We congratulate the California Academy of Science, the Phipps Conservatory, the Field Museum, the London Science Museum and the Australian Academy of Sciences for taking the lead on this and we are working on an investment and gifts policy that is in line with the sentiments suggested in the open letter referenced above.

We look forward to participating in the larger discussion and learning more about this important topic.