
Petro-chemical Tour

Join Beaver County residents Bob Schmetzer and Terrie Baumgardner, both members of Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Community (BCMAC), for a tour of the petrochemical buildout in Beaver County, PA.

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Gas Lands Tour

Led by local residents and public health advocates, this tour will give you a first hand account of what it is like to live and grow up in the most heavily fracked county in Pennsylvania, Washington County.

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Mon Valley Steel Tour

This half-day tour will begin in Hazelwood in Pittsburgh, the site of the largest solar array in Pennsylvania, before traveling to two environmental justice communities.

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Spirit of the Waters & Whale People at Umatilla

Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey brings together ceremony, art, science, spirituality, ancestral knowledge, and cross-cultural collaboration in support of the movement to remove the Snake River dams and restore to health the Snake River salmon and the orcas that depend on them.

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