
‘Spirit of the Waters’ Totem Pole Journey & Whale People Exhibit

This May, Lummi carvers will transport an orca totem pole, salmon carvings, and our award-winning “Whale People” exhibit to communities throughout the Salish Sea and Snake River bioregion. The journey will draw attention to the extinction crisis facing Pacific Northwest salmon and orcas, and build support for the movement to remove the Snake River dams.

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Words Are Monuments

An interactive website and virtual event series, inspired by a recent study on National Park place names and settler-colonial violence, exploring how place-names shape our ways of seeing and relating. What is the ideological function of colonial place-names? How do they work to enshrine capitalist and colonial relations to place, and what do they render invisible?

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Alcatraz: An Unfinished Occupation

On Indigenous Peoples’ Day (Monday, October 14), canoes representing tribes from up and down the West Coast and beyond will take to the waters of San Francisco Bay and circle

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