
Art, Activism, and Ceremony

Presenters in this event will share their experience in bringing together art, ceremony, and activism in some of the most significant environmental and social justice campaigns over the past decade within and beyond the Pacific Northwest.

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Science in Ceremony Roundtable

The Science in Ceremony roundtable takes as its point of departure the proposition that Indigenous ceremonial knowledge—in the predicates and presuppositions of its protocols and practices—is a science in its own right and on its own terms.

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Words are Ideas: Ideology in Language and Place Names

This panel explores the ways in which language functions to structure thought and action, as well as how struggles over language can be part of a collective project of decolonization. Together, panelists will explore the modes of communication through which people have come to discover and assert their collective difference in the world.

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Remapping the World: the global context

From post-apartheid South Africa to occupied Palestine, from Tahrir Square to Tibet to ongoing efforts to restore Te Reo Māori toponyms, place-names have been meaningful symbolic fronts of anti-colonial struggle.

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